Thursday, August 7, 2008

Why am I doing this?

Okay, my brother started a blog to track his running progress as he prepares for the Scottsdale Rock n' Roll marathon in January 2009 ( I too am training for the CIM in December...900 miles away in Sacramento. So this is a way for us both to chronicle and share our progress...and lack thereof.

Goals: I want to run sub 3:20 (yes, that's my Boston qualifying time). I've qualified for Boston four times and never gone. I always made excuses for why it could wait. No I have age, kids, career, etc. and the ease with which I could crank out a sub 3:10 marathon seems to have evaporated.

Impediments: As I mentioned...age, kids, career, etc. Throw in a lack of training partners and you can see why I have an uphill battle.

What I have going for me: I live near Land Park in Sacramento. Easily the BEST park to run around in Sac. Its annexes and myriad of roads/paths give me an infinite amount of loops from which to choose. I also live near the American River, it's not the American River Bike Path (Sorry "bicycle guy," you have to share). Also, I'm trying to get a few guys together as partners for Saturday AM training runs.

Stay tuned...

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