Thursday, August 28, 2008

Sleepy Hamster

Here’s the Hamster’s morning. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ <alarm rings>, the Hamster hits snooze, intends to get up and run 6 miles…ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ <alarm rings>, the Hamster hits snooze, intends to get up and run 6, er, maybe 5 miles…ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ <alarm rings>…you get the idea. The hamster only got in four miles today. On the bright side, I got to run the first mile with Abby.











Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Two Runs, One Post

Okay, the Hamster got a little behind on his posts, so I'm going to get in two for the price of one.

Run 1 - Sunday Long Run in Los Altos

This run sucked! I ran from Los Altos Hills almost to the garnet gates of Stanford University. As you can see by the map, I spent most of my time on the foothill expressway: a four lane boulevard with HUGE bike lanes (8' wide). The reason the run sucked is because the final score had Bikes @ 150+ and Runners @ 4 (including the Hamster). The bicyclists did little dispell the bad reputation they have for being rude and arrogant. I got yelled at twice while doing everything I could to stay out of the way of their packs. It got so bad that I ran to the median of the boulevard whenever I saw them coming. Note to Bicycle Guy: get over yourself! My taxes pay for the same road you use. I'm willing to share it with you, show me the same courtesy!

Run 2 - Land Park 5

Distance: 5
Time: 0:37:50
Pace: 7:33/mi

This was a great run. I started out feeling a little flat, but quickly got into the groove. The best part of this run was seeing Abby on the run. She's training for the CIM Relay and decided to get in a few miles this morning around Land Park too.

Here are my splits.

Mile Split

  • 1 - 0:08:02
  • 2 - 0:07:42
  • 3 - 0:07:42
  • 4 - 0:07:36
  • 5 - 0:06:42 - I liked this one.

The downside of this run is that I was sweating until about 10:30 this morning! It's a good thing I don't smell.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Los Altos Hills

  • Distance: 5.01 miles
  • Time: 00:54:29 (some runs aren't about time)
  • Elevation Change (up and down): 1,700 feet
  • Quality: 8/10

So we arrived in Los Altos hills on Thursday night to spend the weekend at Abby's mom's house. We arrived at 10:30 pm and she had a selection of Satura cakes waiting for us. I couldn't resist, they're my favorite...not exactly good food the night before a tough run, but the run forgave me.

About the run. Los Altos Hills is Spanglish for "the tall hills" and it doesn't disappoint. The run takes me to an old quarry (now dotted with McMansions). The last time Iwas here I found a trail-head to the Mount San Antonio Open Space Preserve. It's basically a fire road that leads up behind Los Altos Hills. Here are some pics and explanations.

Pi1 - The Trailhead

Pic 2 - Sign Announcing the San Antonio Reserver (look at the bottom)

Pic 3 - Here's a better look. So in case you were wondering, yes, signs like this make city boys more than a little nervous on the run. Especially when Mountain Lions can disguise themselves as Quail and Squirrels...don't believe me? Think it was my overactive imagination? Well, you weren't on the run.

Pic 4 - Here's a shot from one of the vistas looking back down on the Quarry and over a slightly foggy/hazy San Jose.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Social Network

I have a client who needed to set up a space where researchers from around the world could collaborate on what else, research topics. I thought MySpace and Facebook might lack credibility with this crowd so I sought a viable alternative. It turns out that the former founder of Netscape, Marc Andreessen created a social networking space on the Internet called Ning. Ning hopes to compete with large social sites like MySpace and Facebook, by appealing to users who want to create networks around specific interests or have limited technical skills. The unique feature of Ning is that anyone can create their own custom social network for a particular topic or need, catering to specific audiences…that, and it’s not blocked by my clients firewall. <evil grin> So, as a proof of concept, I created a Sacramento Running “social network”. It will probably go nowhere, but here it is.


Guilt Run (plus a little foot pain)

Here’s info on my morning 4.44 mile run.


Total Time





























Okay, so I’m a little proud about the splits…At least I admit it. Of course, I need 7:38 per mile for 26.2 in order to go sub 3:20:00, so 7:28 per mile for 4.44 is nothing to get too excited about.

I almost named this blog “Marathons on 3 Days A Week” because I only get to train three days a week. You won’t find this as a recommended marathon training regimen from Runners World, but it’s all I got and I’ll take what I get without complaining. Being a three-day-a-week marathoner, missing a run is a BIG, BIG deal. As I mentioned earlier, I’m watching the girls full-time this week which will make it difficult to get in my runs. So, I dropped off the girls at care this morning and decided get in a quick run before going into the office a wee bit later than I should (feeling guilty). That’s why my splits were faster than usual, I really wanted to crank this one out to minimize my tardiness to the office.

The splits felt great, but I finished the run and the ball of my left foot started talking to me. In fact, it’s downright cranky right now. Now that I’m a runner counting down the days to turning 40, any tweak or twinge makes me want to run for the panic button. My internal dialog screams, “OH GREAT! That’s it Norton, you’re out of the game.” I’m going to let the calmer internal voice prevail today...I know it's in there telling me to breathe and reminding me not to pile onto what it really is...just a sore foot. I’m hoping that a little ibuprofen and ice will mend the ills by the morning. If not, my panic voice will dominate the next post. :)

Garmin Report: Per the info from John Blue (see post from this weekend) I modified my pace settings on the watch and got exactly what I was looking for. Also, 405 is connecting perfectly with my PC and uploading the info to Garmin Connect has been a breeze. I like the 405 more and more every day.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Garmin Neophyte

Okay, I consider myself to be more than somewhat tech savvy, but I’ve been having more than my fair share of technical difficulties getting my Garmin Connect set up. Here’s how it’s supposed to work in a perfect world: Go for a run, plug in your Garmin 405 USB antenna, watch it sync, share your reports from Garmin Connect. Piece of cake, right? Wrong! My journey to “sharing” involved staying up until 2:00 AM on Sunday and an additional two hours on the line with Garmin Tech Support from 6:00 – 8:00 AM today. However, I do have to give credit to the Flo and Austin at Garmin. They were knowledgeable, patient, and persistent. Without them, I never, ever, would have gotten my 405 to work. Thank you Flo and Austin!!!!

So, I posted my run from Saturday. Let me know if you can see it. The interface is fairly rudimentary at the moment, I will update it as I learn more about the features of Garmin Connect.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Sunday Activity

No running today. I had good intentions to do push-ups and sit-ups but they never came to life. I wonder how good intentions will feel at mile 20 on the CIM. (Rhetorical question)

My physical activity consisted of a 500 yard swim during adult swim at the Cabana Club South, followed by repeats of Kid tosses. This is where I throw one of my kids as far as I can and then the next, and the get the idea. I feel like a human water park at times. Now you know why I cherish the 20 minutes every hour dedicated to adult swim (AKA Sanctuary). Seriously, I over did the kid toss today, I feel like I was in a car wreck.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Long Run

Distance: 9.75 (Land Park loop)
Time: 01:21:39
Pace: 8:22/mi
Temp: 80 (warm because I ran at 10 AM)
Quality: 6/10

First things first, I want to thank Abby Darrah for making this run possible. The girl's mom is out of town and I did not want to impose on my parents. Abby volunteered to come over and take the girls while I went for the run. THANK YOU.

About the run. In general, it was a good run. I used my hydration pack and filled it with 40 oz. of a combination of HEED and Hammer Gel to give me some fuel. The only downside was my right nipple rubbed RAW so I had to stop and take off my shirt at the 8 mile mark. Right in front of Fairytale town...upon reflection, not the best place to start stripping. Ooopsie.

Watch report. I'm having problems getting the active sync to work (to the tune of me going to bed cursing at 2:00 am). So I was a little grumpy about Garmin this morning. But it picked up a signal and worked like a champ. In no time I was watching the mileage increase and the time fly by. It was great to actually know how far I was into the run. Before, in my runs, I guessed where each mile mark was (e.g. the third light pole in from the edge of the park, the fifth driveway on the way back from Land Park, etc.)  I set the Autolap feature to 1 mile and had all of my laps captured at the right moment. It was great. However, the pace feature sucked! My first two miles were 8:05 pace because the pace kept telling me I was running everything from 7:35 - 11:30/mile. At about 5.5 miles I decide that I was not going to keep the 405 if this is the best it could do. My intuition and a Timex had gotten me this far. Why change now? Not more than 100 meters after making this decision, a guy crossed Freeport onto the park just in front of me Wearing a Garmin 205. I picked up the pace and started to talk with him about how he liked the 205...he loves it. It turns out he's John Blue. A local ultra running stud. He got 27th this year on the AR 50. Anyhow, he informed me that I needed to change pace setting from instant pace to "lap pace" in order to get an accurate reading. He also told me that the lap pace is the primary feature he uses during his races. Thank you John. Garmin gets a repreave. 

New Toy - Forerunner 405

Mike asked me to snap some shots of the Forerunner 405 and post them on the blog so he could see what it looks like on. The bottom shot is of the 405 acquiring a satellite signal and it gives you the view from the top. The other shot is a profile shot on the wrist. It's WAY smaller than the 205, but it still looks like a parole bracelet. 

Friday, August 15, 2008

Back on the Wheel

Distance: 5 (Land Park loop)

Time: Lost my watch

Pace: See above

Temp: a whole lot cooler than Las Vegas!!

Quality: 6/10


You may note a format change to my block. I’m going to echo the format of my brother’s blog from now on. I’m not above imitating him, heck, we’re twins! 

Okay, so I’m back from Vegas and the combination of oppressive heat, bad stomach, late hours, and $25 fitness room fees at the Bellagio sidelined my well-intentioned training plan. After a good night of sleep I got back into my shoes this AM for a modest-paced 5 (lost the watch).

On my way back from Land Park I cut through the C.K. McClatchy High School track and ran into Grant Carboni (AKA Coach Carboni) of the CKM Cross Country and Track Teams. I regularly run into the team at Land Park and report their shenanigans back to Grant. He’s an old running acquaintance of mine and a BIG TIME ultra runner, as is his wife, Leslie (former colleague and current friend). To punctuate their ultra zeal, Grant proposed to Leslie at the start of the Western States 100 two years ago…what a hopeless romantic. Anyhow, it was nice to catch up with him.

I have the girls for a 8 straight days while their mom is out of town. Getting in my runs is going to be a little tricky and I’m going to try to fit them in during lunch and with a little help from Abby and my parents. This could be another bad running week.

Good news, I’m going to use my winnings from Vegas, plus a gift card from my Bro to buy a Garmin 205…maybe.


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Laid Up

I think I got some meat in my vegetarian entree last night. I was up most of the night with an upset stomach, so I fanned the run this morning. I spent most of the day at the pool trying to recouperate. Mid-day I discovered a swimming lane and swam laps for about 20 to get my blood flowing. It felt good. Tomorrow I will try to run, but if my stomach isn't much better, I may just use the fitness center again.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Vegas Workout

I didn't want to run in the heat today...that's my official story. Unofficially, I think the Potato Vodka sampler at Red Square may have tempered me a bit. :) Anyhow, I went to the Bellagio spa/fitness center this morning instead. I gagged at the $25 per day fee. But I needed a workout and choked the fee down hoping to recoup it a the tables later in the day...which I did.

In addition to a total upper body workout that left my arms shaking, I started with 12 minutes on the treadmill and proceeded with squats and leg extensions. I also hoped to get in some laps at the pool, but the pools at the Bellagio are for drinking and floating around. Swimming in them would be more of an obstacle course than a measured workout.

I plan to run tomorrow and use the fitness center on Wednesday.

$ update. I won another $25 at the Bellagio Pai Gow tables plus an additional $160 from Blackjack at Planet Hollywood.

Celebrity update: met Pete Rose today. After his lifetime ban from baseball for gambling I would think he might avoid Las Vegas. Also, we saw the cast from Prison Break shooting at Planet Hollywood.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Travel Day

I was supposed to run 10 yesterday, but stomach problems ended the run early. I stopped after 6.2 and could have gone back out but I ran late in the day because I had the girls. I also needed to get some work done and pack for my vacation in Las Vegas. So, I called it quits for the run. I don't feel like a total sloth though, I swam 450 yards earlier in the day during adult swim at the cabana club.

A little about swimming. I've been taking advantage of adult swim and can honestly say that up until yesterday, it has been a drag. I have never been much of a swimmer so I committed to giving it an honest effort this summer. It finally clicked yesterday and I had a great swim...followed by a bad run.

I'm in Vegas today and committed to getting in my runs, a few workouts, and a couple of swims. Stay tuned.

Oh, on a side note. I'm up $90 on Pai Gow and staying on the ninth floor of the Bellagio with Abby overlooking the fountains and the strip.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Shameless Gear Pimping

Here’s a list of some of my favorite running toys:

· Route Mapping: Until I get a GPS, the USATF has a great site that helps you map your routes.

· Hydration: I use the CamelBak Siren for hydration. It’s a 1.5 liter backpack (not too big and not too small) that allows me to carry some necessities and I barely know it’s there. This is not the Siren, but it’s close enough. And a sternum strap.

· Fueling: Anything from Hammer Nutrition. These guys got it right!!! Here are the products I use:

o Hammer Gel: I water it down in a flask. Raspberry is my choice.

o HEED: You’ll never touch Gatorade again! Lemon Lime.

o Perpetuem: I use this on longer runs. It really helped get me through the AR50. I find it’s best consumed from the hydration pack. When I had it out of a water bottle, it tended to foam a little too much for my tummy’s liking. Because there’s no air space in the hydration pack, it stays as it should.

o Endurolytes: I found myself getting POUNDING headaches after my long runs. It turns out they were caused by dehydration. I added Endurolytes to the mix and righted more than my headaches. Good stuff!

o Recoverite: I don’t know what they put in this little powder,

o Supplements: I’m a vegetarian (much to my foodie girlfriend’s chagrin…sorry Abby). I use the Hammer supplements and soy protein to keep everything in balance.

· Shoes: The Mizuno Wave Rider.

· Socks: I like loud, fun socks. So anything from the Sock Guy. I was turned on to the Sock Guy by Abby. Here was my first pair from her, the Addict. They're still my favorite.

That’s all for now.

My Running Home Base

I ran 6 in land park this morning. Weather was perfect and there was hardly a soul on the run. Sometimes I get out there and I feel like I have the park to myself.

Last year the City of Sacramento completed construction of a decomposed granite loop around the entire park (up to a three mile loop with endless permutations). I absolutely love it! It’s the perfect training ground for the CIM. I could run laps out there all day long…if I were in shape. J

Map of Land Park

View Larger Map

Why am I doing this?

Okay, my brother started a blog to track his running progress as he prepares for the Scottsdale Rock n' Roll marathon in January 2009 ( I too am training for the CIM in December...900 miles away in Sacramento. So this is a way for us both to chronicle and share our progress...and lack thereof.

Goals: I want to run sub 3:20 (yes, that's my Boston qualifying time). I've qualified for Boston four times and never gone. I always made excuses for why it could wait. No I have age, kids, career, etc. and the ease with which I could crank out a sub 3:10 marathon seems to have evaporated.

Impediments: As I mentioned...age, kids, career, etc. Throw in a lack of training partners and you can see why I have an uphill battle.

What I have going for me: I live near Land Park in Sacramento. Easily the BEST park to run around in Sac. Its annexes and myriad of roads/paths give me an infinite amount of loops from which to choose. I also live near the American River, it's not the American River Bike Path (Sorry "bicycle guy," you have to share). Also, I'm trying to get a few guys together as partners for Saturday AM training runs.

Stay tuned...