Sunday, August 10, 2008

Travel Day

I was supposed to run 10 yesterday, but stomach problems ended the run early. I stopped after 6.2 and could have gone back out but I ran late in the day because I had the girls. I also needed to get some work done and pack for my vacation in Las Vegas. So, I called it quits for the run. I don't feel like a total sloth though, I swam 450 yards earlier in the day during adult swim at the cabana club.

A little about swimming. I've been taking advantage of adult swim and can honestly say that up until yesterday, it has been a drag. I have never been much of a swimmer so I committed to giving it an honest effort this summer. It finally clicked yesterday and I had a great swim...followed by a bad run.

I'm in Vegas today and committed to getting in my runs, a few workouts, and a couple of swims. Stay tuned.

Oh, on a side note. I'm up $90 on Pai Gow and staying on the ninth floor of the Bellagio with Abby overlooking the fountains and the strip.

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