- Distance: 5.01 miles
- Time: 00:54:29 (some runs aren't about time)
- Elevation Change (up and down): 1,700 feet
- Quality: 8/10
So we arrived in Los Altos hills on Thursday night to spend the weekend at Abby's mom's house. We arrived at 10:30 pm and she had a selection of Satura cakes waiting for us. I couldn't resist, they're my favorite...not exactly good food the night before a tough run, but the run forgave me.
About the run. Los Altos Hills is Spanglish for "the tall hills" and it doesn't disappoint. The run takes me to an old quarry (now dotted with McMansions). The last time Iwas here I found a trail-head to the Mount San Antonio Open Space Preserve. It's basically a fire road that leads up behind Los Altos Hills. Here are some pics and explanations.
Pi1 - The Trailhead

Pic 2 - Sign Announcing the San Antonio Reserver (look at the bottom)

Pic 3 - Here's a better look. So in case you were wondering, yes, signs like this make city boys more than a little nervous on the run. Especially when Mountain Lions can disguise themselves as Quail and Squirrels...don't believe me? Think it was my overactive imagination? Well, you weren't on the run.

Pic 4 - Here's a shot from one of the vistas looking back down on the Quarry and over a slightly foggy/hazy San Jose.

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