Thursday, October 2, 2008

Land Park 5

The morning was again unseasonably warm (67 degrees) and humid too. I ran without a watch today because I felt like I needed a day away from the GPS taskmaster. Today was not about keeping up with a "virtual partner" or tempo, it was about clearing the mind: which didn't happen. 

The weekend is the Cowtown half marathon for me. I like using it and the Four Bridges half as litmus tests for the CIM. I always hope my time at Four Bridges improves on the mark established at Cowtown (even though Four Bridges is a more difficult run). If I have a chance at sub 3:20 for the CIM, I'll need to go sub 1:35:00 (7:15 mins/mi) at one, if not both, of these runs. We'll see.

Eric's links
  • Pace Calculator: I'm always trying to figure out pace and distance for the runs I have planned. I like the Cool Runnings Pace Calculator and have spent WAY too much time on the site figuring out the impact of subtle changes of pace on the overall marathon time.
  • What's Your VDOT?: I'm going to use the Cowtown and Four Bridges to establish my VDOT and shape my training plan for the final month before CIM. Don't know what I'm talking about? Check out the article on Runners World (48 would be nice).
Now get back to work! 

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