Friday, October 24, 2008

The Real World 5K

I've long thought that age divisions are not the truest measure of ones ability. Sure, we lose a step as we age and a 50+ runner will be hard pressed to compete with a 20-something runner. I get it. But, the experience gained from 39+ years on this rock (a blink) gives me the following insight: the biggest predictors of one's personal performance are factors of everyday life. In other words, how much crap we have on our plate and where running falls as a priority. How high a priority can running be in my life when I have two wonderful daughters (and everything that comes from being a school volunteer, piano and gymnastics lessons, etc.), a girlfriend (who has two wonderful daughters), and a full-time job which all take precedence OVER running? I've always wanted to organize a run called the "Real World 5K" where we scrap traditional age divisions in favor some other mechanism. What dredges this thought up is a post on Scott Dunlap's blog. See what you think...

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