Tuesday, October 14, 2008

"Speed" Workout

Okay, I've been remiss in posting my runs. Here's a quick catch-up: fanned my run last Thursday...bad hamster; ran a high quality 18 on Saturday...good hamster.

And now to today's workout. My recipe for a "decent" marathon in December calls for long runs (check), training for more than the six weeks leading up to the CIM (check), a "fast" Cowtown half (check), a faster 4 Bridges half (pending), and...gulp...speed workouts. So I bit the bullet and ran five x 800 today with a 200 recovery. My 800 times varied from a pedestrian 3:03 to a glacial 3:09. It's apparent that I needed to introduce speed workouts earlier in the training regimine. It's been so, so, so long since I've pushed my pace with a speed workout that I swear my legs forgot how to do it. The first three 800s felt awkard at best. The final two felt better, though far from good. I plan to keep up the Teusday 800s; I definately need them.

  • It was downright chilly this morning. My guess is the temp started with a 4 today. My covers had a strangle hold on me but, once I broke free and got into the morning air, it felt great.
  • The 405 gets an "F" for track workouts! The "Lap" button beeped, but failed to register the lap. So I did what anyone would do; I pressed the button again <beep> and again <beep> and again <beep>. Screw it! After more failed attempts than I care to admit, I resorted to checking my time at the beginning and end of each 800 and doing the math.

Back to work...

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