Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Recovery Run or Junk Miles...

First of all, I slept like heck last night! I was up multiple times and had a difficult time getting back to sleep. Nuts. Second, my sleeping troubles might have something to do with the sangria I had last night. Abby made a fantastic Tamale Polenta Pie and sangria seemed like the perfect accompaniment…maybe not. Lastly, my calves were WAY tight this morning and my foot is still a 3 out of 10 on the pain-o-meter. This was the recipe for a “recovery run”. One where I just needed to get the blood flowing and stretch out the muscles a little bit. Mission accomplished. I ran the first mile with Abby and then spent the rest of the run working on form.

So, are they junk miles? Or was it a recovery run? I guess I’ll find out when I run the CIM.

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