Wednesday, January 28, 2009

New hat

Ok, I've been whining about the cold so I went to REI and picked up a hat to give me some motivation to get out of my warm bed pre-dawn. (Pic to come...of the hat, not the bed) I love it. It fits my oversized melon...and that's saying something. Usually one-size-fits-all it about two sizes too small for my dome (Think of an orange on a toothpick...yeah, it's that bad). Anyhow, it's one of those black, skull cap, beanie-type, fleece hats. Warm, wind resistant, water resistant...or so it says. It's a great running hat.

So I threw the new find on last night and Abby D pops off with, "You look like a robber." Whatever. Shake it off, it's still a cool hat. Right? Then my girls see it lying out and ask me to put it look like a robber daddy. Doh!!!!! Oh well, I'm not wearing it to a bank anytime soon, but it'll be on the dome for sure tomorrow morning. :)

Back to the wheel...

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