Friday, December 5, 2008

The last run and a little hypochondria...

I posted this last night, but it didn't go. Forgive the tense.

Today was my last run. I plodded along for three miles around Land Park with Abby's friend Melissa. We ran into each other right when I hit the park and her pace was just what I needed.
My legs finally stopped hurting after I beat them up at the kddie trampoline party last Friday, but I certainly don't have the spring I was hoping for this week. Nice taper butthead. I still have a couple of days until the marathon and I'm hoping to have happy legs before I board the shuttle bus on Sunday morning.
Speaking of the shuttle bus, it's going to be a great ride. My mom is running the first leg of the relay for her team and, due to a last-minute change, Abby is doing the same. So all three of us will be heading over together.
Runner's hypochondria. Raise your hand if you've ever felt sick heading into the final week of the marathon...anyone. Okay, put your hands down. Without fail, most of the marathoners I know become hypochondraics the week of the marathon (think Melman the Giraffe in Madagascar). Every morning they wake with a headache (the onse of the flu), sniffle (sinus infection), or sneeze (head cold!!!!). Of course, sharing my life with four girls 10 and under doesn't help. Those lovely little petri dishes seem to have gone out of their way to sneeze on me this week. It's a conspiracy...I'm onto them!
I'm going to the expo tomorrow. Stay tuned...achoooooo! :-)

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