Thursday, February 12, 2009


No, not Strausburg as in France, Strassburg as in, the sock. Read on...

I fanned the run this morning. Partially because it's raining, partially because of the extra glass of wine I had last night, partially because I went to bed late last night, and mostly because my friggin foot hurts! Yes, plantar is getting worse. So I made a trip to Fleet Feet yesterday and procured a Strassburg Sock . If you're looking for something sexy, then you're goin' the wrong direction with the "sock." This bad boy was designed to speed the healing of Plantar Fasciitis. Essentially, Plantar Fasciitis is heel pain (just in front of the heel) caused by micro tears in the tendon connecting the heel to the ball of the foot. At night our feet point and the heel tries to heal. However, the healing occurs with the foot in an pointed position and the plantar fascia contracted. So, when you get up in the morning, you stretch the plantar fascia and undo the healing process (think stitches ripping out). The sock keeps the foot at a 90 degree angle to the leg so that the plantar does not contract, heals in a normal position, and stretches lightly overnight. 

Anyhow, I now own one and tried it last night. My foot felt better (thought not all better) this morning. Stay tuned for more updates.

Back to the wheel...

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