I got in five around Land Park this morning and had almost no pain in the calf. What does "almost" mean? It means that, while it didn't hurt, there were a couple of times when I could feel my calf wanting to knot up. Why it "wants" to knot up is a mystery to me. Lino really helped it out last night. Now all I have to do is keep it loose until Monday.
The temp on the run was around 43 degrees which mirrors what I anticipate for Monday's run. It gave me the confidence to choose appropriate apparel for the run. Which is O so important! If the Weather Channel is correct, we're looking at low to mid 40's, cloudy, and a chance of showers during the run so I'll take gloves, arm sleeves (AKA tube socks with the toes cut off), and a couple of different hats to fit the situation.
I'm going to stop by a fast food restaurant on the way out of town and stock up on yellow mustard. It turns out that yellow mustard packets combat cramps. Apparently, it's a combination of the mustard, turmeric, and the vinegar that make it a great cramp buster. We'll see. It's a good think I like mustard.
1 comment:
Mustard, HEED, Perpetuem, and Hammer Gel...are you trying to find something that creates worst breath than onions, garlic, and ass of a baboon?
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